Jan 25, 2012

Teacher Supply Cake

 Ok, so I've been spending a lot of time on Pinterest! Can you tell? Haha! I love it! No shame!
Anyway, I was looking for some cute ideas for my son's teacher. I'm a room mom in Mrs. Olson's class, and we missed her birthday (it was near the beginning of the school year), so I decided we'd surprise her with an UN-birthday party! Here's her cake!
 I sent a note home to the parents, and quite a few sent money so I could do all this! Awesome!

I combined ideas from THIS, THIS, THIS, and THIS pin on Pinterest. Also, I got the free (awesome, right?) fonts from HERE and HERE...also from Pinterest. I am also a beneficiary of said free fonts. :)

See this girl here? (Don't mind the glittery thing covering her eye.) I adore her. She has taught 4 of my 5 kids in Kindergarten. Let me tell ya- It takes a special person to teach Kindergarten for 20+ years and still love every day. She is the sweetest, most loving, compassionate teacher. Perfect for my clingy, needy 5yr old. And after so many years of teaching, she really knows her stuff! I'm so thankful for all she does and has done for my kids. LOVE her.

There's no way I was going to let her get away without a birthday party!

I'll post more about the other things we did today during her party later...
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