Mar 30, 2011

April Fool's Day- WORK and VEHICLE PRANKS

Work pranks
1. Print and tape Push & Pull door signs on the wrong doors.

2. Find a spool of thread that matches your shirt and hide it in your pocket. Leave a length of thread hanging out. Your victim will see it and try to pull it out. It will keep coming and coming!

3. Use the glass "shade" from a tea candle lamp--the kind that is shaped like a bowl with a hole in the bottom (or just cut a hole in a plastic bowl). Place it on the victim's desk and fill it with small candies. You can put a floral card holder in it with a nice note attached. When they lift the bowl, the jelly beans will pour out through the hole in the bottom and go all over the place.

4. Computer mouse prank- place tape under mouse sensor.

Vehicle pranks
1. Tape a strong magnet onto the bottom of a drink mug and stick on the top of your car. Drive around and laugh at the people trying to get your attention!

2. Cranked up! Get into victim's car while they're away, turn winshield wipers on, crank up the music tuned to some loud & annoying station you know they'll hate, bring the seat in, turn AC on full blast, you get the picture.
3. Stuff some jeans and create fake legs with shoes attached. Shut your trunk with them hanging out! You'll definitely turn some heads!
4. Put some bubble wrap (the kind with the BIG bubbles in it) in front of or behind the tires of the victim's car. When they back out of their parking space a large pop will be heard, and then he/she will wonder what they hit.
5. Graffiti Fraud- Cover the hood of your victim's car with plastic wrap, tucking the edges under the hood so it's invisible. Then paint graffiti on the plastic with acrylic paints. Hide nearby so you can see your victim's face when they see the "damage."

6. Animal Cruelty- Attach an old leash to the back bumper of the victim's car. Attach a collar to the leash so it drags on the ground. If you want you can put the collar around a stuffed animal. Hopefully, you can ride along and watch the reaction of the other drivers on the road!
Click Here for more fun pranks!
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