Mar 29, 2011

April Fool's Day- FOOD IDEAS

April Fool's Day is one of my FAVORITE HOLIDAYS OF ALL TIME!!!!! Stay tuned, because I'll be posting a LOT more in the next couple of days! For now, here are some fun food ideas!
Colored Cereal-
I do this one just about every year, so my kids expect it. They love it every time, though! Set your table for cereal (before the kids wake up). Put a few drops of food color into bottom of bowl. Fill bowls with cereal. When your family is up to the table, fill (or let them fill) bowls with milk. Watch their faces as their milk changes color! My kids now try to guess who will get what color! So fun!

Ice Krispies-
Fill bowls with cereal, milk, and spoon. Freeze overnight and set out just before they eat. Make sure you have a back-up plan, because they really won't be able to eat it!!!
Fake egg-
Spoon Vanilla yogurt on a plate to look like an eggwhite. Top with an apricot half to look like yolk.

Mashed potatoes icecream w/ gravy carmel sauce- (Whip your mashed potatoes. These work best if you add cream to make them light & fluffy. Refridgerate overnight and use an icecream scoop to form balls. Top with "carmel": 1 packet of brown gravy + 1 packet of chicken gravy---makes the perfect color.)

Rubber fishing worm in sandwich-
Unwrapped cheese sandwich (You can also use a piece of wax paper cut a little smaller than the bread with the words, "April Fools!" on it.)
Moving food-
Place a strong magnet (you can buy REALLY strong magnets at just about any auto store) on a thin plate. Cover with a napkin and breadsticks. Place another strong magnet under the table directly under plate. When your "prank-ee" reaches for a breadstick, reach under and pull magnet, making the plate move.

Check out this meatloaf cupcake!

Check out this cool Mock Sushi!

Check out this Candy in a Fruit Can!

Blue Gatorade glass cleaner-
This one doesn't need much of an explanation and is such a FUN fake-out! Just make sure your glass cleaner container is CLEAN before you fill it!

Jello drinks-
Make and refridgerate jello in drink glasses according to directions & watch your victims try to take a drink!
Can't get a drink-
Poke tiny holes in straw
Buggy Ice-
Freeze little plastic bugs in your ice.

Chocolate-dipped... treat?-
Slice raw onions, potatoes, or carrots to mini chocolate size. Dip in chocolate! Haha! I love this one!

Toothpaste-filled Oreos-
Scrape out cream centers and carefully fill with white toothpaste!
Kitty litter dessert-
Squished and molded brownies sitting in chopped nuts!

Chicken nugget cake bites- Cut pound cake into chicken nugget-sized pieces. Dip in microwaved vanilla frosting and roll in chopped toasted coconut and crushed corn flakes.

Grilled cheese sandwich-
This is really just toasted slices of poundcake filled with orange-colored frosting.

Peas & carrots-
Using green & orange tootsie rolls, roll into balls for peas, and little cubes for carrots.
Decorated styrofoam cake-
This one's kinda mean... unless you have a REAL dessert for AFTER the prank.

Confusing cupcakes-
Check out this and this website for some cute ideas!
Melted Chocolate bar diaper-
Fill a un-used, clean diaper with an un-wrapped chocolate bar (chopped up Snicker's looks awesome) and pop in the microwave for 20+ seconds or until semi-melted. I love this one!

Check here and here for more fun April Fool's Day Recipes! I also got many of these cool ideas from HERE... one of my FAVORITE April Fool's rescources!!! Check it out! They have LOTS more!
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