Feb 20, 2013

If I Had Google Glass

I am Canadian, not American, but...  #ifihadglass  I would record the collision of science and art through my painting, through research and through making something new. Sharing my perspective from my perspective on our greatest ability, the ability to make things that never before existed. #ifihadglass  I would share creation.

Google Glass looks cool with a hoodie. I own hoodies. 

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Google's rules ask for a 50 word or less answer to what you would do if you had Google Glass. Above is mine.

I cannot win since I am Canadian. But I haven't been this inspired by technology for my art since I saw a painting done on an iPad for the first time. I still haven't been able to budget for an iPad (I hope to change that in the next 6 months) but now...

I don't know exactly how to describe it. With Google Glass, I picture gathering my materials, snapshots, calling up past sketches from my blog before my eyes as needed, and embarking on a new painting. Snippets of video of brush on canvas, of Wacom pen on graphic tablet. 

My new book idea on a Guide to Flying Trilobites, a send-up on scientific inquiry, plus a document of the creation behind it. A book about the blind spots in science, with my own blind spots available for the audience to see and experience as viewers while I create. 

Holy monkey, I need Google Glass. Without it, I'm still here blogging. You create with what you have. 

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Original artwork on The Flying Trilobite © to Glendon Mellow
under Creative Commons Licence.

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Find me on Symbiartic, the art+science blog on the Scientific American Blog Network!

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