Feb 3, 2013

Are you running from ice or looking for it? Montagne d'Argent Ice Climbers

While most of us turn back on steep mountain snowshoe trails covered in ice and slippery rock after last week's big melt with lots of rain, freezing rain, and then sudden freeze (and rightly so to turn back), the ice climbers are out in force at Montagne d'Argent (Parc d'Escalade et de Randonnée de la Montagne d'Argent), in La Conception, Quebec, Canada, 10 minutes north of Tremblant.
They like ice!  It's ice pic and crampon weather. And the climbers are well-equipped with helmets, harnesses, and ropes. There's natural ice and man-made ice to climb at this internationally known climbing mountain.

I'll never understand why they do this, but it's interesting to watch.
Montagne d'Argent is also a great snowshoe spot when there's lots of snow, especially if you like a bit of a challenge and to hang onto a few ropes tied to trees as you make your way up and down some of the steeper trails. Timing is everything. Later, I'll post about the awesome snow-filled trek I had here when there was 60 centimetres of snow and fresh powder to get lost in.
Happy trails.
The BaffinPaddler
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