Nov 29, 2012

You'll never be able to balance on that thing! The many joys of the trottinette-scooter

Actually that's a quote from the photographer, "You'll never be able to balance on that thing! To do a yoga pose on it you'd have to encase the wheels in cement first!"

Me: "Oh well. Let's try it. Be patient . . . but, BE READY TO SNAP THE SECOND I GET IT!"

Finding balance is a fun challenge sometimes. But why make it too difficult. I grounded myself next to a sturdy tree to help me find balance and did the yoga tree pose on this kid's scooter. It's called a "trottinette" in French.

The wheels were not secured by anything other than the ground, my weight, and concentration. Yoga is a wonderful thing, especially when you can connect it to yourself and the environment! I love yoga in the outdoors. No need to remove the heavy duty hiking boots.

Why I like the scooter-trottinette

It's a lot of fun to get a workout and play and drift on these mini skateboards with handlebars.

It doesn't even feel like a workout when you scoot along on paved bike paths and quiet roadways that aren't too rough and push off and work those quads and glutes. When you feel too much of a burn, switch legs, or take a few moments to hop onto the deck and glide, swerve, and wish you could do some of the tricks the kids so easily manage.

I can see why kids love skateboards. But I'll stick to something with handlebars for now.

What kept me from scooting around before? 

I was afraid people would think I was nuts.

Then someone said, "You know, they make these things for adults too. There's a guy who comes to work every day on his scooter. It keeps him in shape, he folds it up and carries it on the subway. It's faster than walking and it's low impact."

Really? I had no clue. But after looking it up, there are lots of makes and models out there for everyone. Great!

Although I'm the only adult in my neighborhood out and about on the trottinette-scooter, no one seems to mind. The eight and nine year olds give me a longer look as they pass by on their scooters, and the teenagers also scooting around sometimes smile and giggle. The adults out walking are probably thinking, "Hey, maybe we should give that a try too."

When I'm too lazy to put on the rollerblades . . . or if it's too cold and windy outside to put them on and take them off in the fall or spring (your fingers and toes freeze in seconds) . . .

I grab the trottinette and go for about 30 - 40 minutes. Moderate hills make it more interesting and an even better workout. The scooter has a brake on the back wheel. And it works better than the brakes on rollerblades!

I find the scooter a quick and fun way to mix up the workouts, fill the body with oxygen, and really tone the legs. 

Enjoy . . . in places where there's no snow and smooth pathways.
I am definitely holding on to the tree for this pose! And it feels good.

The snow is flying in the National Capital Region of Canada and ski season will be here soon enough.

Happy trails!
The BaffinPaddler

Image taken from my Smartphone, November.
The images are taken in the grass because my wheels won't stay still on pavement.
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