Oct 26, 2012

Halloween Gory Feast

 I LOVE Halloween!

Actually, I'm pretty much a huge fan of every holiday. Any excuse to have a little party or add a little flair to your daily routine is okay with me!

But Halloween...ahhh. :) There's just something about thinking out-of-the-box and making everyday things gross, scary, and gory! I just LOVE it!

Spaghetti and Meatballs with Halloween flair-

I just prepared my spaghetti & sauce like usual, but I combined them before serving so it would look "bloody". For the meatballs, I used store-bought meatballs (yes, I roll like that these days). I baked them as directed, but in the last 5 minutes or so, I added a slice of a mozzarella cheese stick round on top of each meatball and topped it with a piece of an olive and baked it until melted. That's it! Give it a fun, gory name and your kids will think you're a rock star!

Steamed Broccoli with Halloween flair-

Yes, the stems are edible...and delicious. Probably the sweetest part of the broccoli. I admit I'm guilty of not using them as often as I should...wasteful, I know. It's easier (and faster) to cut up the tops and throw away the stems. But this time I took the broccoli (stem and all) and peeled around the outside of the stem with a potato peeler (to get rid of the stringy, woody parts). I sliced from the bottom of the stem first, working my way up to the florets in long lengths. I just steamed them as usual and gave them a fun name.

We also had breadsticks that I tied the ends of before baking to make them look like bones, but I forgot to take a picture of them before they were devoured! I found a picture at The Hillbilly Chicks blog showing how to make them:

Image from: thehillbillychicks.blogspot.com
Cute, aren't they? They didn't last long at my table.

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