Feb 16, 2012

Clean Water for Zimbabwe

Eighteen percent of Zimbabwe's population currently do not have access to clean drinking water resources. Luckily, UNICEF, with support from the European Commission Humanitatiran Aid Department (ECHO), UK Aid from the Department for International Development (DFID) and the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), are starting to work on rehabilitating the water supply system in Shurugwi, Zimbabwe.

With the investment of US $1million, this collaborative effort will build new water pumps at both Impali Dam and Ferny Creek. These funds go towards refurbishing clarifiers, sand filters, and chemical dosing equipment at the Mhanzimdaka. UNICEF Representative Dr.Peter Salama surmises that this refurbishment ensures "the minimization of the recurrence of cholera and other water-borne diseases."

-Akshika Patel

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