I'm proud to announce that for the first time, ScienceOnline will be having a science-art show! We'll be showing a digital slideshow of accepted images, curated by myself with help from Karyn Traphagen. Free for anyone to enter, we'll be picking the most fascinating images in scientific illustration, fine art, photography, cartoons, data-visualization, street art and more.
After the unconference, we'll be posting the final digital gallery online in some form. This is the first time we're attempting something like this, so we may ask for help or encounter some snags along the way. With so many talented science-artists attending #scio12 this year, we've got to forge ahead and gives this a try. When applying to the show, you can give us links to three images. Not all may be chosen, but what better way to get you images in front of eyeballs than up to 450 talented science communicators in one place?
Feel free to email with any questions at symbiartic.gm@gmail.com or via Twitter @flyingtrilobite.
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Thanks to Karyn Traphagen for her help, and to Perrin Ireland, Kalliopi Monoyios and Nathaniel Gold for agreeing to appear on the poster.
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Thanks to Karyn Traphagen for her help, and to Perrin Ireland, Kalliopi Monoyios and Nathaniel Gold for agreeing to appear on the poster.
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Original artwork on The Flying Trilobite © to Glendon Mellow
under Creative Commons Licence.
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--> Find me on Symbiartic, the art+science blog on the new Scientific American Blog Network!