Oct 26, 2011

Global Demand for Secondary Education Spikes

With global demand for secondary education on the rise, governments in places like sub-saharan Africa are struggling to supply the high demands due to the unavailability of the necessary resources.  The need for secondary education is essential for the growth and development of these countries in areas concerning (but not limited to) environmental security, child and maternal health, and HIV prevention.  These are their formidable years, they shouldn't be deprived of the opportunity to learn and better their understanding of the world around them.  These children are very valuable resources worth utilizing.  

The importance also lies at the societal and economic level.  According to Albert Motivans, Head of Education Indicators and Data Analysis at the Montreal based Institute, " Secondary education helps support a more skilled workforce.  This can lead to poverty reduction and economic growth goals.  It helps to support a population which is healthier and which participates more actively in society.  And thus, secondary education also acts as a kind of a bridge at the society level, from one level of development to the next."  Providing higher education for these youths promises hope of a brighter future not only for themselves but also for their nations.   

Here are some statistics to think about:
  • In sub-saharan Africa, only 36 percent of children are enrolled in secondary education, more than 21.6 million children get turned away, and many will never have been in school
  • Globally, approx. 100 million more students each decade are accommodated - total number has grown 60 percent between (1990 and 2009)
  • The ratio of enrollment amongst gender shows that there is a higher percentage of male acceptance, however, the percentage of female enrollment is increasing
  • Girls are more likely than boys to complete lower secondary education in three quarters of countries with available data
"Secondary education is the next great challenge." 
-Hendrik van der Pol, Director of UNESCO's Institute for Statistics  

-Georisa Chang

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