Jul 19, 2011

The Oddless and the Endless

As always, here's a whole bunch of stuff that I'm cramming together in one post!

GCF Talk 1 Year Anniversary Podcast

This one is VERY belated, and my apologies to the people at GCF Talk for that, but a while ago I was on their show for their 1-year anniversary and I plum forgot to post it up! As such, enjoy!

Schedule for Upcoming Episodes

And, of course, what would an Odds and Ends be without the schedule of upcoming episodes?

7/25 – Comic Book Advertisements
8/1 – Star Trek #2 (Gold Key)
8/8 – PSA Hell: Captain America: Return of the Asthma Monster!
8/15 – NBComics #1
8/22 – 150th episode
8/29 – Kamandi at Earth’s End #1
9/5 – Marvel Super Hero Island Adventures #1
9/12 – Twilight Zone #9
9/19 – TRS-80 Whiz Kids: The Computers that Saved Metropolis!
9/26 – Street Fighter #1 (Yes, the Malibu Comics one)

As always, the schedule is subject to change, but here's what we've got going for the next two months.


A lot of people have been upset that I haven't answered their e-mails. I do apologize for this, but it's the nature of the beast - I'm busy A LOT and September through December is going to be especially difficult because of some of the stuff I have planned. Still, I'll try to get to your e-mails as soon as possible. As of this post, I have 66 unread e-mails sitting in my inbox. I may not respond to them at all - sometimes there's just nothing to respond TO - sure, I love getting thanks and praise and I do READ every e-mail sent my way, but it feels empty if I just respond with a "Thanks for the kind words!"

I'd also like to remind people that I sadly am completely unable to respond to e-mails from Comcast or AOL. Long story short, my parents' e-mail server (which I still utilize) was hijacked several years ago by spammers, the server was blacklisted, and despite it all having been dealt with, we're still blacklisted and thus AOL and Comcast reject e-mails from us. I've made some attempts on my own to try to correct this, but I haven't had any luck. It's not a priority for my family because they have alternate e-mail addresses that they more frequently use, anyway, so it isn't a problem for them.

As such, I do want to apologize if you have an e-mail that you think should have gotten a response but flat-out I was unable to respond to. I HAVE considered switching over to something like Hotmail, but it's just one of those things that I'm lazy about and never gotten around to.

Lightbringer and Revolution of the Mask

Both of my comics shall be returning! Sou-Zou has been hard at work cranking out pages weekly for me and is 50% done with issue 3. Lightbringer will also be making a return and I do have a new artist signed up, but I don't want to set an official day for its return until we have enough buffer to at least finish off the current storyline.

But yeah, neither project has been forgotten and they shall continue.

Thank you all for your continued support of the show and the rest of my work!

Warrior #4

Warrior #4 is being edited by Spoony. It's not the highest priority, unfortunately, because he wants to get his Final Fantasy X-2 review finished before ConBravo. Plus he was unsatisfied with how some of the shots turned out and is considering ways of doing reshoots for certain segments. However, it will be done, but we have no date for which it'll be released.
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