Jun 22, 2011

Scumble #18 - Science-art is the future! Edition

"A painting technique in which semi-opaque or thin opaque colors are loosely brushed over an underpainted area so that patches of the color beneath show through." 
From The Artist's Handbook, by Ray Smith.  

Highlighting recent posts I found interesting, provocative, or otherwise caught my eye from the Science Artists Feed, and other sources.

Science-art is becoming an increasingly popular form of science communication and entertainment. Drawing from fine art, laboratory work, scientific illustration, concept art and more, watch how artists spread scientific literacy and play with the inspiring concepts in science. 

Make yourself a cup of joe,  put your feet up and enjoy the science-art and art techniques!

Click here for earlier Scumbles.

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World Science Festival 11: The Invisible Language of Smell - Bora Zivkovic with illustrations by Perrin Ireland, Scientific American's Guest Blog. Find more of Perrin Ireland's work at Small n Tender and Bora Zivkovic's at A Blog Around the Clock.

Using the iPad as a Portfolio - Darkstorm Creative: the Work of Russell Dickerson. A couple of years back, I blogged about the iPod Touch as a portfolio. Can't wait to get an iPad. Check out Russell's unsettling horror work while you're there.

"Picturing science" exhibit reveals the artistic beauty of scientific research - Alasdair Wilkins, io9.com.

ScienceArt-Nature-Home - Stanford. This in-process site looks promising, and check out the roster of contributors: includes Carel Brest van Kempen.

Networks are not always revolutionary - Cory Doctorow, The Guardian.

Hominid Skulls wearing Mexican Wrestler Masks - The Flying Trilobite. An example of a failed contract.

CaridianBCT - Quantum Cell Expansion System - XVIVO Science Animation Blog.

EXOSKELETONS...solo show in Melbourne - A Curious Bestiary - art by Kaitlin Beckett. I wish I could see this amazing work in person!

Titration! - Katy's Notebook.

L is for Lacewing - Curious Art Lab by Leah Palmer Preiss.

Art Talk with Marna Stalcup, The Right-Brain Initiative - Art Works.

Mathematics breathes new life into Escher's art - Jacob Aron, CultureLab.

Vintage Dinosaur Art: The Bird Hunter - Love in the Time of the Chasmosaurs.

Earliest art in the Americas: Ice Age Image of Mammoth or Mastodon found in Florida - ScienceDaily.

Of Paintings and Other Things - The Caw Box

Art and Science Team-up for Biophysical Journal - cover artist Klaus Schulten, biophysical society.

Immortal - Is this bioart?

Inter-active Broadcast: Illusion of Certainty - Sci-ence

Kinect for Windows SDK Coding Marathon - The Art of Wa.com

The Mysteryes of Nature and Art - BibliOdyssey. (hat-tip to Michael Barton!)

Evolution - Darryl Cunningham Investigates. Webcomic about evolution!

Pick of the Scumble:
Wallace and his Flying Frogs! - Alfred Wallace Website. Amazing art by Joanna Barnum. (Another tip of the hat to Mr. Barton!)

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Original artwork on The Flying Trilobite Copyright to Glendon Mellow under Creative Commons Licence.
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