Jun 15, 2011

Scumble #17 - Best Science-Art Links this week

"A painting technique in which semi-opaque or thin opaque colors are loosely brushed over an underpainted area so that patches of the color beneath show through." 
From The Artist's Handbook, by Ray Smith.  

Highlighting recent posts I found interesting, provocative, or otherwise caught my eye from the Science Artists Feed, and other sources. 

Time to slow cold-brew yourself a caramel bulee latte, put your feet up and enjoy the science-art and art techniques!

Click here for earlier Scumbles.

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Stop on Red: the Effects of Color May Lie Deep in Evolution - Science Daily. Inherited aversion to red as the study suggests, or convergent learning that red means blood by chimps and humans?

Fluid Dynamics: Watch as 'Mixed Color' comes back together right before your eyes - Geekologie. Somewhere, there's a grad student in a fine art program salivating at doing this with many automated jars in a gallery.

Scientific "proof" that abstract art is only 4% better than what a kid could do - Alasdair Wilkins, io9.com.

This is why we can't have nice things - Sci-É™nce. Informative, demented webcomic.

Interview with Jim Robins - 
Dave Hone's Archosaur Musings. Darwin fans should check out the fun anachronistic cartoon at the bottom of the interview (should be young Darwin but what the hey - funny cartoon.)

How are art and human evolution related? - Greg Laden's Blog. Does neolithic cave art represent doodles, rituals or recipies?

GNSI Annual Exhibit Sneak Peek - Guild of Natural Science Illustrator's blog. Must see! Check out the bees.

Dino Brights! - Omegafauna. Artist/designer Sharon Lynn Wegner-Larsen makes all paleo folk jealous of her toys.

Butter Tarts - Trilobite Boy #6 - Trilobite Boy. My webcomic experiment continues.

nature/culture/nature/culture - Is this bioart? Sometimes I think this blog and my blog should discuss the terms science-art and bioart and then arm wrestle.

Scaphognathus crassirostris: A Pterosaur in the Historical Record? - David Orr, Love in the Time of the Chasmosaurs. Cryptozoology FTW!

Art and Human Evolution - for the Beaker and Brush series - Hybrids of Art and Science. Very cool and optimistic scienceart quote.

Summer, learning and children - Darkstorm Creative, the art of Russell Dickerson. I've followed Russell's art avidly for a while now.  Great post about encouraging children to explore.

WIP - baby elephant - Heather Ward Wildlife Art. Spooky at this stage! Great insight into technique.

I'm now a member of the IAAA! - LucyJain's Blog. Lucy is among the hottest new astronomy-artists out there -extend congrats and then gape slack-jawed at her tremendous gallery.

Painting Through the Universe: Eskimo Nebula - Katy's Notebook. Katy Chalmers is the other hot new astronomy artist out there, and, like Lucy Jain is one of the very best astronomy artists today. Why don't more astronomy artists blog?  I dunno. Follow these two though to space in new ways. Eskimo Nebula is gorgeous in a way abstract art can't touch.

David Johnson - lines and colors. Check out the portraits of Albert Einstein, Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris!

Hidden Treasures - Biodiversity in Focus. This blog is making me feel inspired by fruit flies. Like, more than usual.

The Dragons of Malaysia by Ryan and AI:The Impossible Museum by Brian G George - Mad Art Lab. Very cool DIY art project about the sacred space in museums led to a very cool question: what would you want to see in an impossible museum?  Check out the comments & leave your own.

Making Art of Traumatic Heart Failure - Christine Ottery, CultureLab.

MizEnScen - Street Anatomy.

Blog post of the Scumble:  Wedding - Weapon of Mass Imagination. Congratulations to 3D paleo-artist and one of the masterminds behind ART Evolved, Craig Dylke and his bride Lady R!  They got married!

Scienceart of the Scumble: Archaeopteryx - Bond's Blog. 

© Peter Bond 2011 under CCL.

Gorgeous pair of Archaeopteryx by Peter Bond, for Craig Dylke's wedding! Check out Bond's Blog for a peek at one of his sketches for this stunning painting. 

- - - - - - - Original artwork on The Flying Trilobite Copyright to Glendon Mellow under Creative Commons Licence.
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