Apr 8, 2011

What An Amazing Way To Realize How Fortunate We Are!

For most of us, either poverty or hunger is an issue that needs to be taken care of. We simply can not let 1 billion global citizens to carry on their lives without food. But do we ever feel the rush to actually do something? Do we realize how fortunate we are that we are not in their shoes? To feel the pain that hungry people have to suffer on a daily basis, more than 60,000 Canadian teens are going to participate in the two-day long World Vision 30 Hour Famine starting from today. The teens will go without food for 30 hours to know what hunger feels like, and they will raise money and build awareness of issues that children face around the globe.

The 30 Hour Famine is the world's largest youth event to fight poverty and hunger. It began in Canada in 1971 when a group of Calgary teens held a fast after they saw some images of a famine in Africa. Since then it has become a global event. Participants all around the world go hungry for 30 hours, raise money, and attend local events to celebrate the change they are making in other countries. This year many Canadian celebrities including Dan Hamhuis, Danny Fernandes, FaberDrive, LIGHTS and These Kids Wear Crowns will support the Canadian youth during the event.

The proceeds from the event will provide assistance in countries including: Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, Democratic Republic of Congo, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Ghana, Haiti, India, Niger, the Philippines, Rwanda, Uganda and Zimbabwe. The funds can be directed to a specific cause, choosing food & nutrition, clean water, child protection or education.

"For 40 years, Canadian youth have battled global poverty through the World Vision 30 Hour Famine," says World Vision's T.J. Grant "Canadian teens understand that fighting childhood poverty is a priority. Youth are making it their personal goal to do something now - and through the Famine are motivating friends, families and communities to get involved." Today, more than 500,000 youth in 21 countries participate in the 30 Hour Famine on an annual basis.

We can all show our support for this global event and raise our voice against hunger, poverty and injustice around the world. Or we can also go hungry for a day to realize what these people are fighting against!

-Nisha Noor

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