Mar 27, 2011

BLT Club Wrap w/ Avacado... yum.

These wraps were a part of our all-green St. Patrick's Day meal. BUT, I highly recommend not waiting for that day to try these!!! They're too yummy and easy, a perfect summer meal! My kids couldn't get enough of them (minus the tomatoes)!

Anything with bacon, avacado, and cream cheese HAS to be good, right?
BLT Club Wrap w/ Avacado

1 package (of 6) green spinach herb tortillas
1 small tub of garden vegetable cream cheese
2 tablespoons of light mayo
1 package of turkey lunchmeat
1 package of ham lunchmeat
12 slices of bacon (cooked)
1 large (or 2 small) avacado(s) sliced
Sliced tomatoes
Romaine lettuce

Combine cream cheese and mayo. Mix until soft and creamy. Spread over 2/3 of each tortilla. Layer lunchmeat on covered portion of tortilla. Top each with 2 slices of bacon and remaining veggies. I sometimes like to add cucumbers and olives, too. Roll tightly starting from filled edge. When you get to the side without cream cheese, lightly spread a little on the edge and roll shut. This will help seal your wrap and keep it from falling apart. Cut each in half on an angle (hehe, it just looks cuter that way).

Yes, this was my super-green plate of food. We had green wraps, green salad (with this Peach Balsamic Vinegarette), guacamole chips, celery, green broco-flower, green grapes, and kiwi. Awesome.
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