Feb 10, 2011

ONE International's Petition For Increased Transparency In Aid Funding

ONE International, through their online blog, has created a petition for people to sign to demand governments publish details of what they fund with aid money. The ONE organization wants to influence governments (especially Italy, Portugal, Austria and Japan who are the least transparent) to become more transparent in letting the public know exactly where and what aid funds are being used for. The goal is to make sure that aid is being spent in the best ways possible, free from corruption and inefficiency. The petition reads: "Please publish the details of all the aid you give, and push for all other aid donors to publish theirs too."

This campaign is just the start of a year-long fight by ONE for increased government transparency in all areas, with the hope of bringing about change that can focus governments on improving the livelihoods of their populations. You can access the petition from the link to the blog post below.

- Brock McNairy

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