Feb 16, 2011

Meet the Team

Name: Brock McNairy
Location: Seattle
Role: Political Intern
Insider Info: Brock grew up in Friday Harbor, WA in the San Juan Islands. He is currently a senior at the University of Washington studying Geography and International Studies. He traveled around South and Southeast Asia for a year with his family when he was 11, going to 8 different countries, providing his first exposer to people living in severe poverty. He would love to travel more in the future, specifically to Africa, and maybe get a job working for an NGO that focuses on agricultural development and reducing poverty and hunger. In the future, he hopes to earn a Masters degree in International Development.
Why I'm Part Of It: "I was drawn to the Borgen Project because of its unique way of tackling global poverty issues. I love how the organization is focusing on grassroots action to mobilize as many people in every part of the U.S. to be part of the cause. I have always thought that poverty is a very important problem that needs to be addressed, just like I know many Americans also feel, but I just didn't know what to do next. I feel like lots of people reach this point where they care about the issue of poverty, but just don't know how to utilize these feelings to make a difference. The Borgen Project gives people simple strategies and tools that make it easy to make a difference every day in the struggle against global poverty. Even though reducing poverty can often seem like a daunting task, The Borgen Project constantly reminds people that large-scale change has occurred many times from people taking action locally in their own communities, which eventually filters up to national-level policy change. Being part of an organization that is inspiring this local, grassroots advocacy and activism is awesome!"

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