Jan 18, 2011

MAGFest Mega-Post!

There was soooooo much that happened at Magfest, so many videos and pictures, that I decided to make a huuuuge post for it so you can all enjoy them. This isn't the only Magfest stuff I'll post, but this is what we've got to start with!

So, without further ado, check behind the cut to see what sort of shenanigans I have for you all!

First up is Part 1 of the MASSIVE That Guy with the Glasses/Blistered Thumbs panel, with roughly thirty of us answering questions!

Special thanks to AndyTheMovieTheGame of The Game Heroes for editing and recording this video! Also, Liz was recording it from our camera, but sadly the battery died about halfway through it.

Next up is the Channel Awesome Rock Band event! I should say, though, that I had to leave on Sunday at Noon, so I'm not in this one.

Next up, here's the full Angry Video Game Nerd panel recorded by a fan, with a surprise cameo from a comic book reviewer!

You didn't get to see his response, but he did laugh and respond that it was bullcrap. Afterwards I bought AVGN Volumes 3 and 4 and thanked him for the punch, since the number one question I get about the theme song is what episode he punches me in (for newcomers, it's the Wolverine: Adamantium Rage review).

EDIT: James has started posting up his own video version of it, which is edited, but does feature his reaction to my question as well as the questions themselves.

I was interviewed several times at Magfest! Here's one done by Video Game Cover Bands while we were in line for Spoony's stand-up comedy show. Also, Lee from Still Gaming pointed me out to several awful Valiant Comics called "Game Boy," which I'll probably review somewhere down the line.

And Last but certainly not least, THE ATOP THE FOURTH WALL LIVE SHOW!

It's Atop the Fourth Wall LIVE! Watch Linkara make fun of a bad video game comic!

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