Jan 8, 2011

In 2010...

We loved a lot...

and we laughed a lot.

We had the privilege of teaching people about our Savior, Jesus!

Amazima began work on the new fellowship site. It is now complete with toilets, a kitchen, a chapel, and a playground where all our children laugh, eat, play and learn about Jesus!

Joyce turned 7. I love watching her grow and delight in her tender heart and sensitive, compassionate spirit!

We all had the chicken pox.

We made new friends

Margaret turned 12. JOY just shines out of this precious girl.

Hope came to live with us.

Tibita turned 9. Such an awesome helper and encourager of her sisters!

We tried some new things.

Sweet Jjajja Grace was getting sicker. So we moved her in next door so we could care for her better.

She had active tuberculosis. But that didn't stop my girls from wanting to love on her!

Patricia and I visited friends and family in America.

Zuula turned 11. Her gentle spirit is a blessing to all she meets.

Gwen came to visit, twice! And took her babies HOME!

Napongo and Alapea came to live with us for a bit while we nurse Napongo back to health.

We learned to fish.

Papa (Daddy to me) came to visit!

Scovia turned 8. This girl's spirit is CONTAGIOUS. When she laughs, she laughs with her entire body. She is a light.

Our dog had puppies.

Sarah turned 9. Her sweet spirit and her wildly creative imagination blow me away every day!

We started homeschool and LOVE every minute!

Sumini turned 7. To think she was once my baby! She is such a joy - always full of hugs and smiles and energy!

Sweet Jja jja Grace went to live with Jesus.

Agnes turned 12. I am so proud of the leader she is becoming. She reminds me so much of 12 year old me! Can't wait to see what God has in store for her!

We finally ALL know how to swim. This makes pool days much more relaxing for Mommy.

Hellen turned ten. She can make me laugh even on the hardest days.

Amazima continues to grow!

Our dog had puppies. again.

Jane and Grace turned 4. I know that God has marvelous plans for these two little angels!

We finished the playground!

Patricia turned 2. And was still as sassy as ever.

Prossy turned 15! So blessed by my oldest daughter! What a beautiful leader.

Maria and baby Agnes came to live with us

Auntie Shana was still the best baby sitter ever.

Jjaja came to visit. She is such a blessing to us!

Mary turned 10! Love her humble heart and her awesome faith in Jesus.

I had to upgrade to a bigger pot to cook the stew in... too many people living at our house! I'm so blessed to have lots of help in the kitchen.

Some things happened that we do not understand. We miss out sister every day.

Amazima kept right on growing. Awesome children and awesome staff, thank you Jesus!

baby Winnie came to stay for a while.

His love carries us through.

I will extol the LORD at all times;
his praise will always be on my lips.
I will glory in the LORD;
let the afflicted hear and rejoice.
Glorify the LORD with me;
let us exalt his name together.

I sought the LORD, and he answered me;
he delivered me from all my fears.
Those who look to him are radiant;
their faces are never covered with shame.
This poor man called, and the LORD heard him;
he saved him out of all his troubles.
The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him,
and he delivers them.

Taste and see that the LORD is good;
blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.

Psalm 34:1 - 9

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